Saturday, June 6, 2020

Importance of Diversity in an Organization Age and Ethnic - 275 Words

Importance of Diversity in an Organization: Gender, Race, Age and Ethnic (Essay Sample) Content: Importance of Diversity in an OrganizationNameSubjectProfessor`s NameDateDiversity in an OrganizationDiversity is used to describe human qualities such as gender, race, age and ethnicity that are different from our own and outside the groups to which we belong. A healthy organization should follow the democratic principle that states that all men were created equal. The equality of men despite their age, religion, race or gender is very imperative in a workplace (Wood, 2003). This paper will discuss the importance of diversity in an organization, potential ramifications to an organization that does not practice diversity and factors that contribute to job satisfaction that impact diversity and attitude in organizations.One major importance of diversification is that it helps to bring about various great ideas, change and values from individuals with different cultures and opinions. Additionally, a diverse workplace offers more exposure to the employees from different backgrounds and cultures. Employees get to learn from their co-workers whose work styles and attributes differ from their own (Parrillo, 2009). This is mainly applicable for employees within multi-generational work environments. Traditional generation workers acquire knowledge about new technology from workers from tech-savvy generation.Workplace diversity also fosters mutual respect among the employees in an organization. Whether employees work in teams or groups that are composed of co-workers who possess varied work styles, or co-workers who represent different generations or cultures, a synergetic environment becomes a norm. Although it is hard to achieve an idyllic atmosphere, employees nonetheless recognize the many talents and strengths brought by diversity in the organization and they gain respect for their co-workers` performance, hence a healthy work environment is created.The major potential ramification to an organization that does not practice diversity is discriminatio n, whether intentional or unintentional. Discrimination has a great negative impact to a workplace as it can affect job satisfaction and motivation of employees. If an employee consistently sees that promotions, bonuses and benefits are being awarded on the basis of age, race or gender, he or she will not be motivated to give his best (Wood, 2003).In organization...

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