Sunday, December 29, 2019

My Experience At High School Essay - 2494 Words

Sitting here now looking back I am not as devastated as I was then. I think about all the great outcomes of the situation and I can be happy thinking about it. Of course, there are still some parts that make me want to take it back, but who knows what kind of person I would be without this sort of humbling experience. Before I go any further let me go back about two years to the summer before my Junior year of high school. I was sitting on the bench at a summer league basketball game, four days after school got out. Basketball was once my favorite sport, but at this point in my life I had grown to love volleyball and track much more. So, while on the bench watching the game about to start I wonder to myself how I got myself talked into this stupid game. There were only two games left and it’s not like I am a huge contributor to the team anyway. As I sit there thinking about how much I dislike the sport I get ordered to go in. I do as I am told and run over to the end line. My eyes are fixed on the girl with the ball waiting for the whistle to be blown so she can throw the ball in. I get ready to play defense and then the whistle blows and she re-enters the court. I go to take a step back to stay in front just like I had been coached to do for many years. As I go to take this step my knee gives out. I try again to run down the court and ignore the pain but the thing was, it didn’t hurt. At all. My knee would just not do what it was meant to do and every time I took a step itShow MoreRelatedMy Experience In High School952 Words   |  4 Pages High school is a time where young minded teenagers are encouraged to explore their interests and what type of character they want to become when graduation rolls in. My high school experience was an interesting time with choices that have changed my life and some that I wish I could take back. Looking back at my high school career there were some moments where I made the correct choice and some that I wish didnt happen at all. A choice I made at the age of seventeen reminds me of how foolish andRead MoreMy High School Experience1016 Words   |  5 PagesHigh school is an educational and eye-opening place for adolescents and young adults, and is ultimately the last checkpoint some people have before they transition into the adult world. After high school, students are often expected to completely fend for themselves. The transition for many students is complicated and confusing. For this reason, one series of high school experiences I have had that stick out clearly in my mind as a step away from my childish behaviors to my more adult-like ones areRead MoreMy Experience At High School862 Words   |  4 PagesMy mom and I were driving home from my club volleyball practice when I broke down in tears due to stress. High school class registration was coming up and I still had no idea whether or not I wanted to do band or volleyball in high school. Being a 14 year old in 8th grade, I never thought that I would have to make such a colossal decision that would affect my life forever. I only had 2 more days to decide how I would present myself in the new world of high school popularity, and I had no idea whetherRead MoreMy High School Experience1060 Words   |  5 PagesHigh school can be a difficult journey in one’s life. Teenagers create drama, teachers stress out students with an abundance of homework, and sometimes procrastination defeats the high schoolers will to get work done. Despite all of that, high school is great; one must look at the little momen ts, the fun times, and the friends throughout. Arnold Spirit, Jr. had an atypical freshman year in Sherman Alexie’s novel â€Å"The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian,† and taught many lessons throughoutRead MoreMy Experience At High School991 Words   |  4 Pagesimprovement throughout my school experience. I’ve learned how to break a lot of bad studying habits I had in high school and taught myself how to become a better student with new studying mechanisms, time management, and how to balance all my classes out equally. Every semester is a new chance to improve on how to become a more successful student. High school were four years of my life that I had a lack of motivation to do school work, I didn’t put as much effort into learning. My studying habits wouldRead MoreMy Experience At High School849 Words   |  4 PagesThe experiences I have gained during these long four years of high school have shaped me into the young adult I am. I have had to learn many lessons about myself and friends. Many failures have had to be taken in stride, and I am glad to say that I overcome and dealt with them all in the name of evolution. Many of the hardest lessons I have had to learn about myself, I learned them in Terry High School. I was used to being able to excel easily, and this was not the case all of the time in my highRead MoreMy Experience At High School1296 Words   |  6 Pagesgraduated high school and I was still seventeen. I had applied to colleges throughout my senior year just to show my parents that I was doing it. I honestly had no idea what I wanted to do after high school, which was my first change. There are unlimited paths to take once you graduate high school, I did not know which one was for me. I had friends who all had a path they wanted to go down and accomplish, and most of them to this day are still on that path. As for me, I have changed my mind overRead MoreMy Experience At High School Essay1726 Words   |  7 Pages Suddenly my senior year of high school was coming to an end, and I found myself looking for a job for the summer. College cost increase every year and I knew that if I w anted extra spending money, I would have to contribute. Summer employment is a great way to earn extra money plus, I am a person who likes to stay busy, and I realized having a job during the break would help accomplish both. Having played multiple sports in high school, I was always doing something throughout my day and I knew IRead MoreMy Experience At High School1012 Words   |  5 PagesThroughout my life, I’ve experienced periods of time where my interest in an activity would peak. Sometimes it was a television show, other times a game, and, on rare occasions a class I had at school. When I first got to high school, I was unsure how it would shape me as I grew into an adult. Before going to my first day at high school though, I had my first day somewhere else: Millstone trails, where I would spend much of my next four years after school running for cross country practice. I hadRead MoreMy Experience In High School1294 Words   |  6 PagesEach year of school you meet n ew people and experience new lessons. The school year comes with many hardships and downfalls, but it also comes with some good times. For me personally, freshman year was the not only the toughest year of school to get good grades, it also had some of my most traumatizing life experiences and lessons. Freshman year was not all bad though. For example, I met many new people that I cherish dearly in life and made solid relationships with new friends, teachers, and

Saturday, December 21, 2019

How Technology Can Help Children Develop Learning Skills...

These days of the twentieth century technology is advancing at a fast pace. Everyday there’s a new trend of Internet communication and tools such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Myspace and so much more that offers immense scope for socializing. Also tools online that can help children develop learning skills quicker than you can learn at school. Children are all the more on the Internet, agreeing report by Sarah Kessler, Mashable; almost 80% between the ages of 0 and 5 utilization the Internet on at any rate a week after week premise in the United States. Technology has evolved throughout generations and children are encouraged to use the computer to study, using credible information on the web. Overall, surveys states that children are more socialized and educated because of the Internet. As the technology advances so do schools as they start to convert from regular textbooks to eBooks and computers to research on the Internet. Is it valuable and accommodating to kids? I think it rely on upon system. Since kids are extremely inquisitive needing to know on the littlest thing. Children can learn about the world just by clicking on the mouse and can self-educate themselves than getting an opinion from a teacher. â€Å"Kids don t know how to utilize legitimate abilities and rather utilize the Internet to get their answers. This is one of one of the opposing points that people make out but do they need those skills if it’s already on the Internet? You can easily pull up aShow MoreRelatedTechnology : Technology And Education1702 Words   |  7 PagesTechnology and Education In today’s society, technology has become the world. Technology is shaping the world and many people are using it for its convenience. Technology has changed tremendously that it is now being incorporated into the educational system. 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A study conducted on school children in America concluded that children who took voice or piano lessons had higher IQ’s at the end of the year than those who did not (Munsey, 2006). Dye (2012) reinforces this, stating that scientific research shows that studying music improves school performance. Gaser and Schlaug (2003) showed that musicians learn advanced motor and auditory skills from a young age through practicing their musical instruments. FurthermoreRead MoreWatching Tv And Play Video Games1621 Words   |  7 Pageswe are facing is the large quantity of obesity in our children. One of the major circumstances in that our children have become less physically active. At an early age, kids start to learn how to operate a computer, watch TV and play video games. Having technological skills is now indispensable in our lives because many things have turned â€Å"computerized,† evidently is that our children are depending on these types of entertainment preferably than g etting up and physically exercising to entertain themselvesRead More Children And Exercise Essay2587 Words   |  11 Pagesare facing is the large numbers of obesity in our children. One of the major factors in that is this; our children have become less physically active. At an early age children start watching TV, learn how to operate a computer, and play video games. Having technological skills is now a necessity in all of our lives because everything has turned â€Å"computerized,† but the fact is that our children are relying on these types of entertainment rather than getting up and physically exercising to entertainRead MoreEssay on Children and Exercise2623 Words   |  11 Pagesare facing is the large numbers of obesity in our children. One of the major factors in that is this; our children have become less physically active. At an early age children start watching TV, learn how to operate a computer, and play video games. Having technological skills is now a neces sity in all of our lives because everything has turned computerized, but the fact is that our children are relying on these types of entertainment rather than getting up and physically exercising to entertainRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On Society Today1825 Words   |  8 PagesThere is no doubt that technology plays a big role in society today. Whether people like it or not, one thing is definite: technology is not going anywhere. Having grown up in the midst of the digital revolution, technology was going to be a part of my life, and it most definitely has. No matter if it is the Internet, computers, cell phones, tablets, video games; I have been exposed to all of them. However, of all the pieces of technology I have used, the one I cannot live without would have to beRead MoreContex and Principles for Early Year Learning6109 Words   |  25 Pagesframeworks emphasise a personal and individual approach to learning and development 1.1 The statutory framework for the EYFS sets out the legal requirements relating to learning and development and the legal requirements relating to welfare. The EYFS framework has statutory force by virtue of Section 44 of the Childcare Act 2006. The EYFS is a central part of the ten year childcare strategy Choice for parents, the best start for children and the landmark Childcare Act 2006. This Act, which regulatesRead MoreUnit 064 Context and Principles for Early Years Provision7106 Words   |  29 Pagesprinciples of the relevant early year’s framework/s, and how national and local guidelines materials are used in settings The statutory framework for the EYFS sets out the legal requirements relating to learning and development and to welfare. The EYFS framework has statutory force by virtue of Section 44 of the Childcare Act 2006. The EYFS is a central part of the ten year childcare strategy Choice for parents, the best start for children and the landmark Childcare Act 2006. This Act, which regulatesRead MoreElementary Methods : Teaching Mathematics5785 Words   |  24 Pagesthe implementation of Common Core, there is a misconception that students are learning ?new math.? However, students are not learning new concepts, just a new way of thinking about those concepts. In this unit, you will explore some effective instructional strategies and approaches to teaching students, way to get them to think mathematically, how to bridge the gap between concrete and abstract and incorporate technology to allow for more instructional time in the classroom. Course Objectives: By

Friday, December 13, 2019

Sex Education Should Be Taught in Schools Free Essays

Computer has become a very important part of our lives nowadays. During the past few years, computer has evolved in many ways and is probably without a doubt better than ever before. People are always trying to find something new that put in computer will improve our lives level. We will write a custom essay sample on Sex Education Should Be Taught in Schools or any similar topic only for you Order Now Computers can perform calculations much more quickly and accurately than humans. For example, modern computers can perform hundreds of millions of calculations per second. Large amounts of data can be stored in a small amount of space. For example, hundreds of pages worth of text can be stored on a 31?2inch floppy disk. Computers can work continuously and perform repetitive tasks well. Unlike their human counterparts, computers do not get bored or tire. Besides, information system has been with us for a long time, may be as the history of man him self. Then pencil and the clerk dominated the period around 1955. By today standard, data processing was very rudimentary for most organizations because i t was limited to only accounting system, payrolls etc to operate business for ex ample, order processing and invoicing but computer come along with changes. Businesses, and particularly the marketing aspect of businesses, rely a great deal on the use of computers. Computers play a significant role in inventory control, processing and handling orders, communication between satellite companies in an organization, design and production of goods, manufacturing, product and market analysis, advertising, producing the company newsletter, and in some cases, complete control of company operations. In today’s extremely competitive business environment businesses are searching for ways to improve profitability and to maintain their position in the marketplace. As competition becomes more intense the formula for success becomes more difficult. Two particular things have greatly aided companies in their quests to accomplish these goals. They are the innovative software products and the World Wide Web. More and more manufacturing businesses are integrating some aspects of production, including inventory tracking, scheduling, and marketing. This idea, known as computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM), speeds processing of orders, adds to effective materials management, and creates considerable cost savings. In addition to designing and manufacturing a product, a company must be effectively able to advertise, market, and sell its product. Much of what passes for business is nothing more than making connections with other people. What if you could pass out your business card to thousands, maybe millions of potential clients and partners? You can, twenty four hours a day, inexpensively and simply on the World Wide Web. The computer is an incredibly tool. As long as we have a internet connection with computer, we are connected to the world. It is an international network that connects all websites and search engines to give us information, new, data and entertainment. In fact, it is a global library, newspaper, and entertainment centre rolled into one. How can we say that this is a bad thing? At the click of the mouse, we can get any information we want. We don’t have to go to the library to do it. Many local libraries do not have the resources that the computer has. We can also talk to anyone in the world as long as with internet connection , they allow people across the globe to communicate with each other, no matter at what time, via the use of email or any socials network. We do not have to write a letter, put it in an envelope with stamp and post it, waiting for weeks for a reply. Once we e-mail someone, that person get the message almost in instantly. When we use a chatroom, we can talk to anyone in the world. The last one advantage of Computer is faster document writing. We can safely say that is a good tool to us when we have to complete our homework, assignment, projects or research. Back-up copies of work can be made easily, without having to re-write everything, and keeping of records. How to cite Sex Education Should Be Taught in Schools, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Business internationalization for Cultural-

Question: Discuss about theBusiness internationalizationfor Cultural Environment. Answer: Introduction This report analyses the major five factors influencing the selection of the entry mode for Starbucks into the markets of Croatia and Japan. The entry mode for a business internationalization defines the strategies which is used by the organization in order to successfully extend its business into the foreign markets. The factors analyzed in this report significantly influence this selection process of the organization (Wach, 2014). Cultural Environment The cultural environment of both Croatia and Japan allows foreign organizations to sell their products in the corresponding markets. The people living in the corresponding societies are generally interested in exploring new products and services along with new international brands. This in turn allows the cultural environment of both Croatia and Japan to be positive for the business expansion of Starbucks. The most recommended entry mode of Starbucks into the markets of Japan and Croatia would be to provide license to a local organization for an efficient joint venture between that company and Starbucks International. This licensed joint venture will allow the popular local organization to have good business in the corresponding markets (Beladi, 2016). Political and Legal Environments The political and legal environments of Japan and Croatia influence the entry mode for Starbucks to the corresponding markets. This factor of both the countries influences the entry mode of Starbucks in different ways. The legal environment along with the political condition of Japan causes the operation costs and exporting costs to be quite high. So, the entry mode for the markets of Japan would be recommended to be foreign direct investment instead of exporting. This in turn will require Starbucks to invest directly in the corresponding markets in Japan for its business operations. Whereas the operation costs and exporting costs for the markets in Croatia will be normal due to the existing political and legal conditions of the country. The import regulations and legislations in Croatia allows the foreign organizations to export materials with less costs and in a seamless manner. So, the entry mode for the markets of Croatia based on its political and legal conditions should be expo rting instead of foreign direct investment (Brem, 2017). Market Size The size of the market for Starbucks in Croatia and Japan is another significant factor affecting the entry mode of the organization into the corresponding markets. The markets for Starbucks in Japan has a lot of potential along with its huge size. This immensely large opportunity in the corresponding markets of Japan can yield a lot of value for the business processes of Starbucks if the organization choses the method of foreign direct investment for the expansion of its business into Japan. So, the entry mode for Starbucks into the markets of Japan should be the process of foreign direct investment. But the current amount of opportunities present in the markets of Croatia isnt enough for the process of foreign direct investment. But the organization can choose the entry mode of exporting for expanding its business into Croatia, which in turn allows the completion of the business expansion process with limited costs overhead (Lee, 2016). Production and Shipping Costs The production and shipping costs are another set of significant factors that influence the process of determining the entry mode for a market. The production costs in Japan is quite low as compared to the host country of Starbucks, which in turn allows the organization to have foreign direct investment and licensing along with joint venture to be the recommended mode of entry. But the export and import regulations along with costs in Japan are quite high, which in turn makes it inefficient to enter into the market with an exporting entry mode. But in case of Croatia, the costs of importing along with the regulations allow the organization to have minimal cost overhead, which in turn can be used as the entry mode for Starbucks. So, Starbucks can use the exporting entry model to expand its business into the markets of Croatia. The production of the required ingredients along with materials isnt very efficient in Croatia due to unavailability of certain resources along with skilled emp loyees (Rask, 2014). International Experience The international experience of the organization along with its exposure into various types of markets influences the decision of entry mode into a market to a significant extent. So, the entry mode of Starbucks into the markets of Japan should be joint venture along with foreign direct investments. The biggest reason for this recommendation is the limited experience of the management of Starbucks has with the references and buying behavior of the customers in the countries of East Asia, specifically Japan. So, the entry mode for Starbucks for the Japanese market should yield maximum value out of a joint venture with a local organization operating in the same industry (Wach, 2014). The local company supports the management of Starbucks to identify, anticipate and satisfy the needs of the customers efficiently. Croatia is a European country and Starbucks has enough experience of operating in various European countries. This in turn allows Starbucks to have an efficient business expans ion into the Croatian markets with the exporting entry mode along with the assumption of full control over the operations. This in turn allows Starbucks to yield maximum value from the business operations in the Croatian markets through export and effective control of all the business operations (Gubik, 2014). Conclusion The report analyzed the most important factors affecting the process of deciding the entry mode for the business expansion of Starbucks into the Japanese and Croatian markets. The analysis of these factors revealed the best entry mode for the Japanese markets to be foreign direct investment along with joint venture. The report also identified the exporting entry mode to be the most suitable for the expansion of Starbucks into the Croatian markets (Apetrei, 2015). References Apetrei, A., Kureshi, N.I. and Horodnic, I.A., 2015. When culture shapes international business.Journal of Business Research,68(7), pp.1519-1521. Beladi, H., Dutta, M. and Kar, S., 2016. FDI and Business Internationalization of the Unorganized Sector: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing.World Development,83, pp.340-349. Brem, A. and Viardot, E., 2017. Revolution of Innovation Management: Internationalization and Business Models. InRevolution of Innovation Management (pp. 1-13). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Gubik, A.S. and Wach, K. eds., 2014.International Entrepreneurship and Corporate Growth in Visegrad Countries. University of Miskolc. Lee, W.S., Kim, I. and Moon, J., 2016. Determinants of restaurant internationalization: an upper echelons theory perspective.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,28(12). Rask, M., 2014. Internationalization through business model innovation: In search of relevant design dimensions and elements.Journal of International Entrepreneurship,12(2), pp.146-161. Wach, K., 2014. The Role of Knowledge in the Internationalisation Process: An Empirical Investigation among Polish Businesses.International Competitiveness in Visegrad Countries: Macro and Micro Perspectives, pp.143-158. Wach, K., 2014. Theoretical Framework of the Firm-Level Internationalisation in Business Studies.Patterns of Business Internationalisation in Visegrad Countries: In Serach for Regional Specifics, pp.13-30.